- Installation DVDs that came with your Mac (for X11)
- darwin-ports
- Run the installation disk that came with your Mac in order to install X11. Since Apple does not offer X11 as a download for OS X 10.4 for Intel computers, you have to install from the DVD.
- Download the darcs binary and place it in /usr/local/bin
- Open terminal (Finder->Applications->Utilities->Terminal) and go to your home directory. To get the Factor source code, run:
darcs get http://factorcode.org/repos
- To compile, move into the directory darcs created with cd repos/Factor and run the command make macosx-x86
- Download the boot image at http://factorcode.org/images/latest/boot.image.pentium4
- ./f boot.image.pentium4
- make macosx.app
- (Optional) Create a shell script to start Factor in your terminal window. I called mine go.
$DIR/MacOS/Factor $@
Save the file and run chmod a+x go - (Optional) You can instead run open Factor.app and use Console.app to view runtime output.
Now you can code anything!